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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Lemon Cucumber Invasion, a Math Lesson Part 2


You must think we are nuts about lemon cucumbers. That's probably true to a certain extend. They are usually gone soon after I pick them. Besides that, I, being a Home Educator Mom, try to turn everything into a learning experience. That's the perk in homeschooling! So to continue with the theme of lemon cucumbers, my husband, Bubba, created a worksheet for Chico. First Mei and Chico counted the cucumbers together; then he colored in the appropriate number of squares on his worksheet like the picture below.

This exercise gives him a visual presentation of what he's counting and allows me to ask him to compare between the days. Chico is only reading three-letter (one syllable) words so we went over the questions together. Click here to view or print a list of the questions.

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