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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What is Heaven Like? From a Kid’s Perspective…

One of our morning routines after breakfast is to have devotion from Keys for Kids. Today's topic is on Heaven. Before delving into our story, I was curious to know what my kids know or thought about heaven.  So, I asked them, "What do you think heaven is like?"

Mei at age 3 said, "God, Food".

Chico at age 4 looked up at the sky and said, "White, God, someone on top"

Buddy at age 5 looked up at the sky also and said, "Blue, a home for us, Jesus will take us to heaven, big, really big because God is really big."

We had good laughs talking about those responses.

So, "what do you and your kids think heaven is like?" I hope you share them in the comment section.

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